Chattanooga Times Free Press

Shelter should be ashamed

Walker County residents, officials and anyone associated with Walker County should hang their heads in shame over the June TFP story by Andrew Wilkins: “Illness outbreak at Walker County Animal Shelter heightens criticism.”

This story should never have had to be written. You have to clean and sanitize when illness arises. Bathe the animals and treat the sick ones. Show some concern and sense of how you handle these animals.

The puppies they showed in the newspaper are pitiful. Anyone who would let puppies live this way is a criminal. This is simply organized cruelty.

All these people are doing is pointing fingers and claiming it is someone else’s problem and not their own. You can rest assured that the people doing the paperwork are sitting in air-conditioned offices and not thinking about the animals in the heat and unsanitary conditions.

This makes me so angry. I wish I could bring all of the animals to my place. I am 70 years old and widowed, but I still do what I can to help.

All in for animals. Sally Clemons



