Chattanooga Times Free Press

Avoid poor grammar, negativity in your dating profile

Erika Ettin is the founder of, where she helps others navigate the often intimidating world of online dating.

Writing an online dating profile is daunting, but I probably don’t need to tell you that.

As someone who writes and reads bios on dating websites and apps for my job, I’ve seen the best of the best … and the worst of the worst. A good profile gives the reader a glimpse into you and makes them want to learn more. But just one element that rubs someone the wrong way will result in an automatic swipe left. Here’s what to avoid including in your profile at all costs.

› Poor grammar: There are a few reasons why I’m so against typos, grammar errors and other mistakes that would make your seventh-grade English teacher cringe. The first thing the errors do is insult your own intelligence. Even if you have a doctorate degree, mixing up “your” and “you’re” will likely give the reader pause. Plus, if run-on sentences make your profile difficult to understand, the person on the other side might just give up rather than spend a ton of time trying to decipher your writing.

You always want to make the best possible first impression, and that includes showing off your grammar skills. (And if this isn’t your strong suit, plenty of free websites can help you out, or maybe ask that friend who is always playing grammar police in group texts to give you some pointers.)

› Negativity: To all the people who are “saving everyone time” by listing all the things they are not looking for in a partner, please reconsider. All I see when I read that is someone who is bitter, and who wants to date someone like that?

There’s always a way to put a positive spin on what you’re trying to say. For example, instead of writing something rude such as, “I am not interested in lazy, overweight people,” try this: “I’m someone who stays active with biking and hiking, and it would be great to find someone who shares similar interests.” Not only are you conveying information about yourself and what you hope to find in a relationship, but you come off much more pleasant.

› Anything inappropriate:

Again, you’re making a first impression. Even if you have a “dirty” sense of humor or don’t want to pursue a relationship that doesn’t have a physical element to it, your bio is not the place for it. It can easily make the reader feel uncomfortable and leave your profile immediately, even if they do find that you have things in common. Keep the potty mouth for your friends.

A good dating profile requires thought and effort. You might be perfect for someone, but if you don’t express yourself well in the bio, they will never know it or be willing to give you the chance. Keep things positive and appropriate, and don’t write it in ALL CAPS.



