Chattanooga Times Free Press

Sisters’ display of greed is last straw

DEAR ABBY: My father died five years ago at 90. For the last 20 years of his life, both my sisters shunned him because they disliked his second wife (who predeceased him). She had never been anything but kind to us all. They refused to speak to him and, when he was dying, announced that they wouldn’t attend his funeral.

When an aunt informed them that Dad had left over a million Dear Abby dollars in cash and no will, they

Written by couldn’t get here fast enough. They

Jeanne Phillips caused me major distress by falsely accusing me of trying to steal from them. I have never taken anything from my sisters. I made certain the money was equally distributed, then shut them out of my life.

“Family,” to me, is synonymous with loyalty, love and trust. Without it, we’re just relations. I plan to never speak to them again. Am I wrong? — DISGUSTED IN DENVER

DEAR DISGUSTED: You are not wrong. Please accept my sympathy for the loss of your father. With relatives like your sisters, you don’t need enemies. In a case like this, it is common sense to protect yourself. Keeping your distance will accomplish it nicely.



