Chattanooga Times Free Press

Answering Your Questions

Q: How to claim the last State Restricted 100 Year Anniversary Morgan Silver Dollar Bank Rolls? A: If you are a Tennessee resident read the important information below about claiming the 100 Year Anniversary State Restricted Morgan Silver Dollar Bank Rolls, then call the National Toll-Free Hotline at: 1-800-233-9546 EXT: ABR1002 beginning at precisely 8:30 A.M. this morning.

Q: Are these 1921 Morgan Silver Dollar Bank Rolls worth more than other dollar coins?

A: Yes. These U.S. Gov’t issued 1921 Morgan Silver Dollars were minted 100 years ago. That makes these silver coins extremely collectible. The U.S. Gov’t has not minted a dollar coin with any silver content since 1976. In fact, these 1921 Morgan Silver Dollars were the last ones ever minted. That’s why some of them now command collector values of up to 100 times their face value so there’s no telling how much they could be worth in collector value someday.

Q: How much are the State Restricted 100 Year Anniversary Morgan Silver Bank Rolls worth?

A: It’s impossible to say, but some of these U.S Gov’t issued 1921 Morgan Silver Dollars are worth up to 100 times their face value and there are 10 in each Bank Roll so you better hurry if you want to get your hands on them. Collector values always fluctuate and there are never any guarantees. But we do know these are the only State of Tennessee 100 Year Anniversary Morgan Silver Dollar Bank Rolls known to exist and 1921 Morgan Silver Dollars are highly collectible so anyone lucky enough to get their hands on these State Restricted Silver Bank Rolls should hold onto them because there’s no telling how much they could be worth in collector value someday.

Q: Why are so many Tennessee residents calling to get them?

A: Because they are the only State Restricted 100 Year Anniversary Morgan Silver Dollar Bank Rolls known to exist and everyone wants their share. These are not ordinary Bank Rolls. These are the only Bank Rolls containing ten 1921 matching date Silver Morgan Dollars dating back 100 years some worth up to 100 times their face value known to exist. Remember this. Only Tennessee residents are guaranteed to get them for just the $59 per coin state minimum set by the National Mint and Treasury for the next two days. Non state residents must pay $136 per coin.

Q: How do I get the 100 Year Anniversary State Restricted Morgan Silver Dollar Bank Rolls?

A: The only thing Tennessee residents need to do is call the National Toll Free Hotline at 1-800-233-9546 Ext. ABR1002 before the deadline ends. Everyone who does is getting the only 100 Year Anniversary State Restricted Morgan Silver Dollar Bank Rolls known to exist. That’s a Bank Roll of ten 1921 matching date Morgan Silver Dollars for just the $59 per coin state minimum set by the National Mint and Treasury, which totals just $590 for the entire Bank Roll. That’s a real steal because non state residents are not permitted to call before 5 pm tomorrow and must pay $1,360 for each State Restricted Silver Bank Roll if any remain.

IMPORTANT FACTS: The mint marks of the U.S. Gov’t issued 1921 matching date Morgan Silver Dollars sealed away inside the State of Tennessee 100 Year Anniversary Morgan Silver Dollar Bank Rolls have never been searched. Coin values always fluctuate and there are never any guarantees, but any rare, scarce or highly collectible coins, regardless of their value that state residents may find inside the sealed Bank Rolls are theirs to keep.



