Chattanooga Times Free Press

McEnany bent the truth to help Trump

Rob Preston, the president of the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce, has defended his scheduling of former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany to speak at a fundraiser by saying, “She’s a strong Christian … .”

Throughout her tenure in Donald Trump’s White House, McEnany repeatedly bent, stretched and outright broke the truth time and time again to defend her boss and his cronies. Even before she became press secretary, she was given to making ridiculous comments, making it clear that she is in utter thrall to Trump, such as this statement she made to Trish Regan of the Fox Business Channel in February 2020: “He [Trump] will always protect American citizens. We will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here. We will not see terrorism come here.”

If McEnany is a “strong Christian” in the eyes of Preston, all I can say is that I hope I never meet anyone he considers “evil.”

David Cofield

LaFayette, Georgia



